Head of Schools
No Data
BIEG Leadership Team
Kathy Shi
Kathy Shi
Founder & President
'Shi' means giving, 'Hua' means essencesMs. Kathy Shi (Hua) brings her vision of giving the essences of Chinese and Western education to children. With over twenty years of experience in education, Ms. Shi and BIBS are committed to integrating Chinese education with Western education in supportive and stimulating environments.
Jiangtao Gao
Jiangtao Gao
Head of Schools, Beanstalk Education Group
President, Beanstalk Education Research InstituteFormer Vice-principal of RDFZSpecial Grade Teacher in Physics
Graham Turner
Graham Turner
Foreign Head of Schools
Former Headmaster of RDFZ Sino-foreign cooperative education project‘China Headmaster of the Year’ award winner
John McBryde
John McBryde
​Consultant of Beanstalk Education Group
Former President of WABAwarded the "Foreign Expert Award" by the Beijing Government
BIEG Executive Leadership Team
Qiang Shi
Qiang Shi
Graduated from the China Youth Political Academy and has nearly 30 years of senior management experience in state-owned enterprises. He has served as Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanqi Group, Secretary of the Party Committee of East China Taixi Automobile Foundry Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Trade Union, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, etc. 
Lucy Li
Lucy Li
She worked at Beanstalk Education Group for more than 20 years, starting from a teacher, to the Group's admissions department, marketing department and the board director's assistant position to get full exercise and development. Out of love for education and beanstalk, she is willing to dedicate her life's passion and energy to this place. 
Christina Zheng
Christina Zheng
She joined the Beanstalk Education Group for more than ten years, she has played a great potential on this excellent platform, from ordinary employees to special assistants to the board director, she personally experienced and participated in the development and leap of the group, accumulated a wealth of experience in recruitment and operations, and together to carry forward the educational philosophy and purpose of running the school. 
Freda Li
Freda Li
She holds MBA from Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Master of Marketing from UK. She has more than 10 years of senior management experience in brand and marketing, with extensive practical experience in high-end brand integrated marketing. She is making great efforts to define from lookback, form from substance and create the core brand value of Beanstalk Education Group! 
BIEG Academic Leadership Team
Michael Donaldson
Michael Donaldson
28 years of experience in education since graduating from the Canadian University of Saskatchewan in 1990. Started as a teaching in BC till 2001, then worked as international school principal and headmaster in Qingdao, Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu.
Jill Cowie
Jill Cowie
The Edinburgh PhD in Chemistry was nominated for a National Teaching Award while teaching in the UK
Nigel Jones
Nigel Jones
Master’s Degree in Education from the Derby UniversityIB Asia-Pacific Authorizing Officer
Former Director of Discipline of Beijing 4th Middle School International DivisionFormer Teaching and Research Group of the RDFZ ICC Project
Dr. Catharina
Dr. Catharina
Catharina holds a PhD in Biology from the National University of Singapore. For the past seven years, she has been teaching university students and conducting research on the ecology of amphibians in Asia. She has a strong background in biology as well as hardware and software programming. Catharina believes that teaching should be engaging and provide students with the confidence and guidance to understand how far they can go. She particularly enjoys exposing groups of students with varying levels of learning to difficult topics.
Aynsley Moore
Aynsley Moore
Originally from Nottingham, England (UK), Mr Moore has been working in the private international education sector since 1995. During this time, he has gained experience in key roles including being a Teacher, Lecturer, Teacher Trainer, Deputy Centre Principal, Centre Principal, Academic Principal, Academic Director, Asia Pacific Regional Academic Manager, Auditor, and Global Academic Support Manager. Mr Moore has a Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Applied Linguistics (with Specific Reference to English Language Teaching) from the University of Durham, a University of Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of London, and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree (with Honours) in Culture and Communication from the University of Lancaster. The countries where Mr Moore has worked include England, Spain, Nigeria, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. Since 2003, he has worked in cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Changsha, Chengdu, Qingdao, Shenyang, Lanzhou, and Hong Kong. With his family, he has been happily settled in Kunming for many years. During his career, Mr Moore has acquired experience of running internationally recognised programmes such as IFYs, PMPs, IGCSEs, AS / A Levels, IB MYPs, and IB DPs.
BIEG Academic Leadership Team
Anna Zhong
Anna Zhong
l20余国际教育工作经验 lIBO中文A全球考官
Jane Zhang
Jane Zhang
30 years of experience in educationBeijing Municipal Academic Leader
Jun Yin
Jun Yin
Senior Teacher, Beijing Senior PrincipalForeign General Secretary and Principal of the RDFZ Affiliated Experimental Primary School
Yulian Zhao
Yulian Zhao
Core editor of the PEP Senior High English TextbookFormer Director of the Haidian International Curriculum Research Center
Shi He
Shi He
Master’s degree in Education from the University of PennsylvaniaFirst IB PYP Coordinator in the Asia-Pacific Region
BIEG Academic Leadership Team
Brian Yang
Brian Yang
PhD in Physics from Yale UniversityRich experience in international curriculum and international education management
Qiang Wang
Qiang Wang
D.E. from the Tsing-Hua UniversityFormer Founder-principal of a Beijing public high school
Sha Li
Sha Li
One of the earliest employees of BIBS20 years of experience in international education management
BIK Academic Leadership Team
Danny Wang
Danny Wang
Ms. Wang studied pre-school education at the Capital Normal University. she has over 20 years of international kindergarten teaching and management experience. she visited kindergartens in Canada and the U.S. to learn the child-centered international education best practices. Ms. Wang looks forward to contributing to pre-school education at Beanstalk with her professional expertise.
Nancy Wang
Nancy Wang
Nancy has been working in the international children's education industry for 17 years and has a rich teaching management experience. She worked in Singapore International Bilingual Kindergarten for 6 years and after returning to China in 2009, she worked as a teaching supervisor in a well-known international kindergarten in Beijing for 5 years. In 2004, she joined the Beanstalk Education Group and serve as the director and chairman assistant.
Betty Bai
Betty Bai
One of the earliest BIBS employeesOver 20 years of international education experience
Jenny Xiao
Jenny Xiao
Completed postgraduate study at Northeast Normal University20 years of international education front-line teaching and management experience
Julie Zhu
Julie Zhu
Julie holds a BA in Child Psychology and Preschool Education from Beijing Normal University, National First-grade Teacher, Outstanding Working of China Association of Private Education and Haidian District Outstanding Manager. Julie is an excellent manager and a team leader with 28 years of experience and is committed to a better education cause with her passion and dedication.
Faith Wyllie
Faith Wyllie
Mrs. Wyllie is a citizen of Australia; however, she has called New Zealand home for more than 30 years.  She has taught and held senior educational leadership positions in New Zealand and, for the last seven, in international schools in China –Wuxi, Suzhou and Beijing. She is a life member of the Golden Keys Honours Society, an invitation-only international academic think-tank for high performing scholars and teachers. Mrs. Wyllie has a special interest and comprehensive experience in inquiry-based teaching and learning and describes herself as a traveler on her own life-long learning journey within the context of educational pedagogy and leadership. She is enthusiastic and passionate about students becoming internationally-minded global citizens, and to this end, seeks to establish collaborative relationships with all stakeholders in her learning community – students, parents, colleagues, professional bodies, educational and cultural institutions, and the wider community at large.

施华 女士

Executive Director of Business Development

She has more than 40 years of teaching experience and has served as an education manager for the past 30 years. Served as deputy director of the Western Academy of Beijing and principal of elementary school. Since joining International Education, he has been participating in and actively promoting the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) visits and accreditation of international schools as an IB observer. As a visionary education leader, she is passionate about the growth and internationalization of students, focusing on the development and value enhancement of the school.